The Art of Wholeness

The ART OF WHOLENESS  project 

‘The Art of Wholeness - innovative tools and practices for inclusion of vulnerable young people’

The project aimed at raising the quality and promote innovation in youth work in order to foster social inclusion, creativity, resilience and the acquirement of skills and competences for youth (especially the vulnerable ones) through new educational concepts that use nature, creativity and art.

The main concept addressed throughout this project is Ecocentric and Soulcentric Education - an education approach based on the revolutionary and interdisciplinary concept of psychology inspired by nature and the human soul. The concept focuses on the unique inner and outer resources and the creative potential each individual owns, inviting young people into deep processes of self-knowing, healthy development and contribution to the community. The concept, rooted in the wisdom of nature and in the latest discoveries of psychology, offers a radical and sustainable healing and a map for understand behavioral patterns. Above all, it offers a promising invitation for sustainable and healthy transformation from youth to adulthood, from the self to the world.

The educational materials developed through this project are:

The 'Art Of Wholeness' VIDEO Series 

This series on Human Wholeness explores the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche as described in the book “Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche” by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D.  This concept is presented by Sandra Horea and Eleni Michail. This series is developed within the project “The Art of Wholeness- innovative tools and practices for inclusion of vulnerable young people”.  Organizations involved: Inspiration Path, Actions for Change, Aluksnes un Apes novada fonds.  With the support of the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union

Human Wholeness: Our Innate Resources and Potential

This video introduces the concept of the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche as describedin the book “Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche” by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D.

Human Wholeness: Maturing in Love and Generating Change

This video introduces the concept of the Nurturing Generative Adult, the North direction of the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche as described in the book “Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche” by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D.

Reclaiming the Innocence and Wisdom within

This video introduces the concept of the Innocent-Sage, Trickster- Sacred Fool of the East direction of the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche as described in the book “Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche” by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D.

Awakening the human wildness, authenticity and belonging

This video introduces the concept of the Wild Indigenous One, the South direction of the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche as described in the book “Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche” by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D. 

Diving into the Mystery of Human Transformation

This video introduces the concept of the Dark Muse Beloved, the West direction of the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche as described in the book “Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche” by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D. 

What blocks Humans from being in Wholeness

This video introduces the concept of the Sub-personalities of the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche as described in the book “Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche” by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D. 

PODCAST series - Stories of Wholeness

Humble and bold interconnectedness with Sandra Horea

Unblocking creativity through inner parenting with Lelde Gusta

The power of feeling afraid and doing it anyway with Joana Patrício

Mining own treasures and meeting in men's circles with Bogdan Romanică

Beauty of constant changing with Eleni Michail

Bravery of being ridiculous with Bert van Beek

Art of Wholeness WEBINARS: Inviting Nature, Muse and Soul in Life

Inviting Nature in Life 

Nature, our true home, the one that speaks the language of moss, crow, wind, rock. Invite Nature in your life and let yourself be mesmerized by the wonders of the world, by the potential to be –again- a wild creature, a passionate Earth lover, a member of the greater community.

This webinar is exploring the ways to use Nature as our guide, as our mirror, as the place we belong.

Inviting Muse in Life

Muse, the wellspring of our deep imagination, the one that speaks the language of Art, Creativity, Ideation. Invite Muse in your Life and find yourself a-mused, inspired and artful. Doesn’t this world need more humans who offer Muse-inspired projects?

This webinar is exploring the Muse Archetype as well as the ways to embody it in daily life.

Inviting Soul in Life

Soul, our unique and deepest individual identity, the one that speaks the language of Symbol, Metaphor, Dream. Invite Soul in your life and find yourself on a descent to the fruitful darkness with a sole quest to discover your place in the world. A transformation so much needed!

This webinar is exploring the concept of Soul and the deep longing to live soul-fully, meaningfully, purposefully.

CARD set - Looking from within