From Caterpillar to Butterfly project 

'From Caterpillar to Butterfly' AIM is to promote Quality in youth work, to foster Social Inclusion, to ease the transition of Youth to Adulthood and promote the development of the Skills, Competences of youth, especially for the ones with fewer opportunities. 

We are addressing this AIM by introducing and working with these 3 innovative concepts which are embedded in the Ecocentric and Soulcentric Approach:

Resource-based Human Wholeness Model: a model which illustrates how a person can be whole, acknowledging and cultivating their innate unique resources, competences, gifts & potential. This model is suitable for promoting the acquisition of Skills and Competences by youth.

Eco-soulcentric Development Education: an education concept which illustrates the healthy maturity of individuals and culture. Rooted in the wisdom of Nature, it offers a promising invitation for sustainable and healthy transformation from Youth to Adulthood. This concept is suitable for strengthening the Employability of youth.

Mentoring: the process of guiding and supporting youth to make progress is their life. It offers a safe space where they can express themselves freely, be heard, understood and guided to show themselves more in the world. This concept is suitable for facilitating the Inclusion of youth in Society.

This project is made possible with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. (Funding line of Key Action 2: Partnerships for Cooperation in the field of youth).

The educational materials developed through this project are:

Soul and Spirit. Spiraling up and down accessing inner resources (online workshop)

For the maturation and transformation of the Caterpillar into Butterfly, in the journey of becoming fully human, in claiming and embodying our original wholeness, one needs to also access the realms of Soul and Spirit. 

Passing through a magical gate and visiting Soul and Spirit one encounters unexploited inner resources which are essential to the flowering of our greatest potentials. Soul ushers us into the depths of a person’s unique purpose or mythopoetic identity. Spirit teaches us how to merge with the Oneness, the vast imagination that animates the cosmos. 

These 2 online workshops, drawing on the work of Bill Plotkin and his Resource-based Human Wholeness model, will weave together the two edges of the axis, the 2 ‘impossibilities’, the darkness and the light, the uniqueness, and the oneness. 

The workshops are being guided and presented by Sandra Horea and Eleni Michail. 

Artwork by Lelde Gusta & Video editing by Balu Gaspar 

These Online Workshops are part of the project “From Caterpillar to Butterfly” which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Pathways to Meaning and Purpose. Seeding for the Future (online workshop)

“The eyes of the future are looking back at us, and they are praying that we might see beyond our own time.” Terry Tempest Williams 

Addressing the deep longing for meaning and fulfillment and the deep need for mature guidance and wholeness modeling, ‘Pathways to Meaning and Purpose - Seeding for the Future’ is a 2 part online workshop which is a profound experiential immersion tackling the life-span model of development from infancy through authentic elderhood. 

Within these 2 workshops we discover and explore the 8 Soulcentric and Ecocentric Stages of human development based on the model of The Nature and the Human Soul in order to find our place in the World and be in service to life. As well exploring Soulcraft practices in order to cultivate inner gifts and soul-powers through connecting and immersing with the Wanderer archetype, through stories, poetry, artistic expression, ancestral practices and ceremonies.

The workshops are being guided and presented by Sandra Horea and Eleni Michail. 

Artwork by Lelde Gusta & Video editing by Balu Gaspar 

These Online Workshops are part of the project “From Caterpillar to Butterfly” which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

The Manual: Guide to Soul 

The Manual “Guide to Soul” introduces new and effective methods that support the unfolding

of youth. By rooting in educational concept such as the Ecocentric-Soulcentric Development

and Human Wholeness (concepts developed by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D) and using methods inspired

by Nature and Art, it intends to support the flourishing of individuals, young people and

especially the vulnerable youth.

The manual endorses invitations for individual work and reflection to be used by youth with the

guidance of a mentor. The invitations follow a progressive sequence with an intention to guide

an individual to reach their deepest treasures, their Soul. We believe that those who use these

activities will contribute to the cultivation of the innate, endless and tremendous potential of

every person they work with.

May this manual serve you well!

This Manual is a result of the project “From Caterpillar to Butterfly”. The project aimed at

promoting quality in youth work, fostering social Inclusion, easing the transition of Youth to

Adulthood and promoting the development of the Skills, Competences of youth, especially for

the ones with fewer opportunities.

The project is implemented by three organizations; Actions for Change (Romania), Inspiration

Path (Cyprus) and VulcanicaMente (Italy).

Co-Funded by the European Union.

Educational Cards with Archetypes